Autumn heart testing session at Bonaforte: Serena has kindly agreed to come and heart test the hounds and will arrive on the weekend of 19th October for testing on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st October. Please let me know as quickly as possible if you intend bringing one or several of your hounds. Remember that the dog must be 18 months of age or older and only requires testing if they have not been tested in the last 12 months or so (except any dogs asked to come back for a re-test). This will include hounds tested last November too, we needed to bring the testing forward a few weeks due to Serena's busy schedule. Please send an email to to book in for a session.

All Bonaforte hounds are tested free of charge (thanks to Carla's generosity), but anyone with a non-Bonaforte Wolfhound can also have their dog tested, however this will incur a charge of £50 and must be paid in advance and is non-refundable (please message or email me for further details about payment)

